
Incursions chez des gens de parole


L'idéologie sous-jacente au blogue

Intéressante réflexion d'Ismael Peña (ICTology) sur le blogue comme phénomène social :

What has happened in the World, in technology, that pushes me to blog: what about the ideological or philosophical point of view? Under this approach, I guess there’re three main reasons why people are blogging (and wiking):
  • Democratization of technology and social software
    Social software does not only mean that it is a software to create social relationships, but also a software that is at (almost) everybody’s reach, overcoming costs and technological skills barriers.
  • e-Democracy and re-appropriation of opinion making media
    The need of some to have a better information and to share good information from independent sources (or just from the sources) pushes people to publish and/or read through new means of expression and opinion making.
  • Free Culture
    Creating a space of free knowledge - of free culture - and bringing back the idea that sharing information, knowledge and doubts is the basis of more knowledge and, thus progress, is an underlying reason for this unselfish contribution.

À d'autres époques, on aurait qualifié le blogue de révolutionnaire.

Three ideological reasons why people blog (and wiki)


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